A photo of Minyoung Jeon. Contact

Current Institutional Email: minyoung.jeon@uga.edu
(Note that "jeon.163@buckeyemail.osu.edu" no longer exists.)
Permanent Email: minyoungjeon@outlook.com
Office: 606A, Boyd GSRC


I am a Postdoctoral Research & Teaching Associate at the University of Georgia, Department of Mathematics. My postdoc supervisor is William Graham. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, under the supervision of David E. Anderson, from the Ohio State University in May 2022.

My interest is in algebraic geometry and combinatorics, especially, singularities of algebraic varieties, the geometry of algebraic curves and their moduli, Brill-Noether type problem. Plus, I am pretty wide open to study arithmetic geometry.

Before coming to OSU, I earned a master degree in Mathematics at Seoul National Univ. and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Physics with the Golden Ring of Honor, Ranked 1st, from College of Natural Sciences at Kookmin Univ. A curriculum vitae is available on request.

Publications   [MathSciNet Profile][zbMATH Profile]

  • [7] Two-pointed Prym-Brill-Noether Loci and coupled Prym-Petri theorem, accepted for publication in Mathematische Nachrichten, arXiv:2309.02642.
  • [6] (Joint with S. Tirabassi) Cohomological rank functions and syzygies of projective bundles on abelian varieties, to appear in the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, arXiv:2303.16023.
  • [5] Covexillary Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials, to appear in Indagationes Mathematicae. [Journal Version][PDF]
  • [4] Euler characteristics of Brill-Noether loci on Prym varieties, Manuscripta Mathematica 173, 753–769 (2024). [Journal Version][PDF]
  • [3] (Joint with D. Anderson, T. Ikeda, R. Kawago) The multiplicity of a singularity in a vexillary Schubert variety, Advances in Mathematics 435 (2023), part A. [Journal Version][PDF]
  • [2] Mather classes of Schubert varieties via small resolutions, Mathematical Research Letters 30 (2023), no. 2, 463–507. [Journal Version][PDF]
  • [1] (Joint with D. Anderson, T. Ikeda, R. Kawago) Multiplicities of Schubert varieties in the symplectic flag variety, Sém. Lothar. Combin. 82B (2020), Art. 95, 12 pp. [Journal Version] [PDF]


  • [S1] Something on involution Schubert varieties, preprint available soon.

In Preparation

  • [P1] On the combinatorics of cominuscule Schubert varieties and their singularities, with Flint, Graham, and Larson.
  • [P2] A family of irreducible characteristic cycles for U(p,q) (tentative title), with Graham, and Larson.

Distinctions      Talks      Teaching     Conferences     Notes

Jeon, Minyoung

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